This is the quilt I donated to the Old Polish Settlers Reunion in Bandera this weekend.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Big tank update
After plugging all the holes and painting what he could reach; Richard began jacking up the tank a little every day. He dug and leveled the area underneath so it wouldn't shift. He attached wires and pulleys, it took weeks of his genius planning but only 30 seconds for Richard pulling and Fred pushing to set the tank upright. Way to go.
Friday, June 4, 2010
My perfect 1/4" seams.
The older I get the harder some things become. I used a piece of 3/4" aluminum carpet runner purchased from the big chain home improvement store and cut three pieces to fit my sewing machine throat, and the plastic sewing table. I filed down the edges of the cuts with an emory board and taped them to my table and sewing machine. The aluminum piece taped on the sewing machine butts right up next to my 1/4" machine foot. I like using a #10 crochet needle for my stilleto. My seams are getting better.